About.The UKKS exists to encourage study of all aspects of the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, including relations to his historical predecessors, successors, as well as Kantian influence in contemporary philosophy.
Established in 1994.The UKKS was founded in 1994, by Professor Graham Bird. Bird tells us that:
"[...] there already existed a Hegel Society whose meetings I had sometimes attended and talked at. My own preferences led me to believe that if Hegel deserved, or just received, that kind of recognition in UK [...] then Kant had an even better case." The inaugural meeting was held in Manchester in March 1994. |
Our Aims.1. To act as a forum for the exchange of views about Kant's philosophy. 2. To organise events which facilitate this exchange of views. 3. To grow our research community and provide the opportunity for members to organise our annual conference offering support at every stage. 4. To promote diversity and inclusion in Philosophy in general, and in Kant studies in particular 5. To encourage contacts with philosophers outside the U.K., for instance, the German Kantgesellschaft and the North American Kant Society (NAKS) and their members. 6. To encourage work on the historical significance of Kant's philosophy, interpretation of its content, and its influence in current philosophical thinking. |
The Executive Committee
Advisory BoardSorin Baiasu (Keele)
Alix Cohen (Edinburgh) Adrian Moore (Oxford) Jessica Leech (KCL) Garrath Williams (Lancaster) Howard Williams (Cardiff) |